Newtek triCaster and NDI puts the emphasis back on creativity

Check out this article from about how Curtin University is using NewTek's NDI technology to help students be able to concentrate more on the creative side of production rather than the technical side. NewTek’s innovative Network Device Interface technology powering your video productions—over IP. Send and receive real-time, frame-accurate video from cameras and devices in different locations, all on a standard network infrastructure. Access the inputs and outputs of any compatible device on your network, tapping into exponentially more media sources for any production. Grow your channel count with additional inputs, mixing any video from both hardware connections and IP video sources. And seamlessly integrate audio over IP, connecting to Dante-enabled audio devices anywhere in your facility.


If your mission is to prepare media students with the best experience for a career in video then it’s reasonable to assume you want them to learn with the most appropriate technology.

Sadly, that’s not always possible, with many institutions saddled with outdated equipment and a budget that restricts the educator’s options.

When the opportunity does arise for fresh investment, however, the moment should be seized.

It certainly was at the School of Media, Creative Arts and Social Inquiry at Curtin University in Perth, Western Australia.

When the School approved a facilities upgrade earlier this year, the department heads saw a far greater purpose than merely a kit update from SD to HD. They could overhaul the workflow to reflect the evolving demands of the modern media industry.

“When we teach students to produce a story, we don’t want to spend our time training them how to operate the equipment,” says Sally Goldrick, lecturer in Screen Arts and Journalism who teaches TV studio skills to students. “We want to talk about why to choose a shot, when to use cutaways, what variety of shots we can include to make it compelling. This was the side of teaching we wanted to focus more

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