NAB Interview: Wayne Andrews Talks Matrox Monarch LCS

Our good buddy Shawn Lam caught up with Sr. Product Manager Wayne Andrews at the Matrox booth to tell us all about the newest edition to the Matrox Monarch family, the LCS. This version of the popular Monarch series of encoding. streaming and recording appliance is targeted specifically for lectures, presentations and training videos. Matrox Monarch LCS is scheduled ot ship in June and we are super excitied about it. For $2,495 we know it's going to be a top seller for us.
Streaming Media by Shawn Lam In this interview from NAB 2016, I spoke with Matrox senior product manager Wayne Andrews regarding the Matrox Monarch LCS, a new addition to the company's popular series of streaming and recording appliances that adds dual inputs and the ability to encode, record, and stream those inputs separately, or deliver a composited stream or recording that combines, say, a presenter and a slide deck, in a PiP or side-by-side configuration. "It's a new way of webcasting for corporate, medical, and school" applications, Andrews says. "They want to take talent and supporting materials, such as computer input, and without having an external switcher or other production equipment." With the Monarch LCS, Andrews says, "It's all built into the box." For streaming purposes, the encoders use either RTMP or RTSP protocol to deliver live streams to local media servers or cloud-based CDNs. In recording applications, the encoders write MP4 or MOV files directly to network-mapped drives, eliminating the need for post-lecture file transfer, or alternatively to local USB drives or SD cards. The Matrox Monarch LCS, which ships in in Q2 2016 at a price point of $2,495, was selected as one of Streaming Media's Best Products of NAB 2016. read more...

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