EDITING 101: Reduce export time in Premiere Pro CC

...A Non Linear Editor's Blog

So if you use like Magic Bullet Looks or any other “heavy & slow” plugins and want to reduce Export-times in Premiere Pro you should set your Sequence to ProResLT or any other good Master codec and work / edit with that Setting.

If you use like MagicBulletLooks and such you had to render while working anyways but you don’t have to re-render everything again with exporting. That happens usually if u don’t have “Use Preview” selected,

So to have this working properly you just select “Match Sequence” and “Use Preview” in the export settings and you are good to go.

Render-Times for this Sequence:

with 1080p25 DSLR Seq. Preset = 16min41sec
with 1080p25 PreResLT Seq. = 14min42sec

Export-Time for this Sequence:

with 1080p25 DSLR Seq. Preset / no “Use Preview” = 15min40sec
with 1080p25 PreResLT Seq. + Match Seq. + Use Preview = 01min51sec

The Video-project in this “Tutorial” is actually a “real life” work project: read more...

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